Sunday, December 8-Peace

Luke 1: 67-79

 In this passage Zechariah prophesied about Jesus’ birth and about his son John’s place in Jesus’ story. Verses 78-79 (NLT) state, “Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace”.

 A favorite game in our house is flashlight hide-and-seek. As a parent of a child afraid of the dark, I know there is little peace within her until a light is on. However, because she knows at any time she can stand up from hiding, turn on her light, and call out for her parents, she’s not afraid.

 As God’s children, we can do the same. We have the light of salvation living within us! We can stand up, step out of darkness, call to Jesus, and follow His path of peace.

 Family Moments:

●        Play flashlight hide-and-seek! Here is how we play at our house: Each family member has a flashlight. Only the person who is “it” may have their light on once counting has ended. When found, stand up from your hiding place, turn your light on, and help the “it” person find the others. The game keeps going until all are found and have their lights on.

●        Reflection Question: What does Jesus’ path of peace mean to you?

●        Pray: Thank you, Jesus, for being our light and guide to peace.                                                                                                            




Monday, December 9-Peace


Friday, December 6-Hope