Friday, December 20-Joy

Psalm 126

Today's reading is a poignant reminder of the bittersweet journey of redemption. The Israelites, returning from Babylonian captivity, experienced a mix of joy and mourning, as they sowed tears of sorrow but ultimately reaped a harvest of joyful songs.

Sowing tears often relates to times of grief, suffering, disappointment, despair or doubt. In these moments we're called to trust in God's goodness and His promise to bring redemption.

The promise of reaping joy after sowing tears is a powerful source of hope. In the darkest times, God can and will bring redemption out of our suffering. Just think of Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection which offer the hope and joy of salvation and redemption to the entire world.

As a farmer sows seeds in anticipation of a harvest, we too plant seeds of faith, hope, and love through our tears of lament. We can rest assured that God will bring forth a bountiful harvest in His time. Our tears, like seeds, hold immense hidden potential for healing, growth, life, and renewal. God will use our sorrows and tears to help us stand tall by giving us a greater ability to cope with adversity, build resilience, foster empathy, and develop a deeper trust and intimacy with Him.

Let’s remember that our journey is not about immediate gratification but a long walk of obedience. Regardless of what circumstances we find ourselves in today or what circumstances we are coming out of this Advent and Christmas season, in Christ, we will reap a harvest of joy that will spread deep and wide bearing much fruit that will fill our hearts and overflow into the hearts and lives of others as we continue to sow our seeds of sorrows and laments to Him.

Reflection Questions:

1. Are you currently in or coming out of a more sorrowful or more joyous season of life? How are you processing your joy and sorrow with God and with others?

2. What challenges and difficulties are you experiencing or have you experienced in your past that you still need to lament to God?

3. How can you offer support and encouragement to others who may be going through a difficult and challenging season of their life?

4. Who in your life needs to hear you share your unique experiences of overcoming challenges and finding joy and hope on the other side through Christ?                        




Sunday, December 22-Love


Thursday, December 19-Joy